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30TH OF JUNE 2024

A day of heart lead practices so you can reconnect to your true self, connect with other like minded souls and rediscover the deep connection we hold with the earth on this fully immersive day retreat. 

Join me for a transformative Day Retreat!

This is an invitation for you to come back home to yourself, a sacred pilgrimage to the core of your being where authenticity and truth reside. It's about tuning in to the subtle whispers of your intuition, the gentle nudges of your emotions, and the deep yearnings of your soul. In a world often filled with noise and distraction, nurturing this connection becomes essential for inner peace, clarity, and fulfilment.

Delve deep into the wisdom of your heart and cultivate a more profound connection with yourself and the love that resides within you. Become more aware, conscious, and connected to your heart, your innermost being.

Awakening into your heart and womb will guide you towards inner union. 

The intention behind these retreats is to guide you back to the power, wisdom, creativity and vitality within your body. 

Join one or both retreats. 

The Retreat Agenda 🌞


🌸 Morning Circle, breath and self exploration: reflect on your intentions for the day and for your journey ahead. Feel the support of the earth beneath you as you ground into the sacred space that together we will create. 

🧘‍♀️ Authentic Flow Yoga Practice: Authentic flow is a somatic approach to yoga and movement through which you will listen, taste, see, feel, inquire and learn to embody your bodies. Feeling into the fluidity of your being as you allow your heart to guide you through this practice. 


💗Cacao Ceremony, Mama cacao is a beautiful heart expanding plant medicine and holds the vibration of kindness, unconditional love and joy, helping you to connect to yourself on a deeper level. Assisting you to burn away old and dense energies as you reconnect to the true aspects of yourself, your heart and your desires. I will take you on a guided inner journey to uncover any blocks around your heart space, bringing these to the light of your awareness to be released. 


🌿 Discover the power of herbs and essential oils. You will learn how to use them, the influence of them on your nervous system and discover what oils to use to connect to your heart. You will make your own personalised oil roller blend to take home.  


🌷 Nature Walk: Immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural world around you. As we stroll through lush greenery, you'll have the opportunity to connect with the Earth's grounding energy and rediscover your own place within the universe. 


🦋 Sound Bath, Immerse yourself in an enchanting journey of sound and deep relaxation to end the day. Allow the healing vibrations from the bowls to wash through your body to help shift and release old energy bringing in more peace, balance and harmony. 


💫 A nutritious home made lunch will be provided. 




This day is for anyone who wants to….

Awaken the power within their heart and is ready to live a heart centred life.


Fully immerse themselves into shedding old energy and thought patterns. 


Open up their hearts and form a deeper & loving connection with themselves.


Connect to the Earth and invite in her healing powers.


Heal old wounds and release any felt separation from themselves, the earth and others. 


Reset, recharge and reconnect. 


Located in a beautiful studio space overlooking the river dart, you will be able to drop deep into your practice and feel the magic and nourishment of the land around you.

Location: TQ11 0NF

On the 30th of June 10am-5pm

Energy Exchange



Enter code at checkout to save £10.

Offer ends on the 31st of May!

Join both day retreats and save! Book both for £255 (early bird discount)

Message if you'd like to join both


Book your space today! 

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